Sex Shows Next To A Church
Sex Shows Next To A Church
De Wallen, a vibrant neighborhood filled with cozy homes, daycare for the little ones and a church, yet at the same time an absolute hotspot known for prostitution by tourists all around the globe. Yes, we are talking about the Red Light District, perhaps the most mysterious and interesting area of Amsterdam.
For those who plan to uncover its secrets, a good thing to know is that the area is likely the safest in town. As in every large city you always have to be careful with your belongings, but due to the continuous police surveillance in the Red Light District, it is safer than in any other area.
So, why is prostitution legal in the Netherlands, you might wonder? Well, the Dutch reasoned that prostitution is likely to happen anyway, and by legalizing it as a profession it would be easier to control and regulate it to improve safety.
It is reassuring to know that most women are voluntarily active in the prostitution sector of the Red Light District, the oldest profession known to mankind.
Unfortunately, not all women are in the prostitution by choice, and our government is working hard to overcome this. This initiative is referred to as ‘Project 1012’, corresponding to the zip code of the Red Light District. The main goal of this project is to improve the standards and safety for the women, in an attempt to eliminate involuntary prostitution, while maintaining its unique identity.